Northeastern University’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Club

We are recruiting!

Open spots:

Research Team: Analyst & Director

Venture Team: Analyst

Please apply by Saturday, April 5, 11:59PM EST to be considered.

What We Do

Northeastern PE/VC is the university’s premier student-run buyside organization comprised of the brightest students dedicated to fostering and nurturing connections and opportunities within the PE/VC space.

  • PE/VC’s research team consists of highly accomplished Northeastern undergraduates who research trends and patterns in the private equity and venture capital space, while analyzing industries’ hottest deals. Students have the opportunity to specialize in industries that peak their interests and delve deeper into key topics.

  • Northeastern Growth Partners is PEVC’s premier student-run venture group providing deal and strategic advisory to the most promising early-stage venture-backed startups and VC funds across the country.

  • The Case Team participates in PE/VC-focused case competitions as a team, competing against a variety of schools across the nation and internationally. They develop strong technical skills such as modeling M&A deals, learning how LBOs work, and solidifying their investment banking and private equity knowledge.

  • PE/VC’s Alumni Relations team conducts regular seminars to introduce and educate the student body on the fundamentals of private equity and venture capital and engage leading alumni at the forefront of investment banking, private equity, and venture capital industries.

Empowering Students

Fostering Community

Connecting Alumni