Northeastern’s Case Competition Team

PE/VC’s Case Team members undergo a robust intensive development program to master the fundamentals of crucial finance concepts to apply in investment banking and private equity case competitions around the world.

The Case Team’s Core Pillars

  • Case Competitions entail in-depth modeling and company analysis presentations in front of a panel of judges. At each case competition, there are a panel of experts in the field ready to provide technical, presentation, and professional advice.

  • The Case Team hosts bi-weekly technical workshops focused on applying advanced finance concepts across various scenarios. These workshops are open to all PE/VC team members. These workshops provide a foundation to hone in on making finance-related deliverables for case competitions, undoubtedly the best place to apply technical skills learned within classrooms.

  • In tandem with foundational development workshops, analysts regularly work on comprehensive modeling and presentation deliverables that are reviewed by senior leadership members and industry professionals. Top performing analysts then comprise competing teams for respective case competitions.

  • Each new analyst is paired with a member of the leadership and returning analysts to assist with technical and professional development to excel in Case Competitions. Elite performance at these competitions can open doors to interviews and offers from the top financial institutions globally. Moreover, all members and alumni in PE/VC support each other to develop and mentor members to secure the best co-op, internship, and finance job opportunities.

The pictures below represent key highlights from the Case Team’s participation in the NIBC Competition.

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